Programs & Services

Online Job Board

Looking for a new job, new career? Alcohol and other drug / substance use disorders (AOD/SUD) counselors should use the FREE job network available 24/7 at Breining’s AOD / SUD Counselor Job Network. FREE to employers and employees. 

In your words

We appreciate whenever Breining Institute students, graduates, and professional credential recipients share their experiences with others, which we share at our IN YOUR WORDS page. And, we invite you to share your story by completing the short online form at this link: Share Your Experience

Journal of Addictive Disorders

Breining Institute, a private institution of higher learning, and Breining Research and Education FOUNDATION, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, tax-exempt, public benefit corporation dedicated to the education and research of addictions and disseminating results of that research to the public and professionals involved in the addictions field, are pleased to make available the Journal of Addictive Disorders (JAD) as a compilation of scholarly articles written primarily by Breining Institute graduate-level (Masters and Doctorate degree) students, as well as other experts in the alcohol and other drug / substance use disorders (AOD/SUD) profession from throughout the United States.


The Breining Bookstore provides online-ordering access to students and addiction professionals for ordering the books they need to learn and to improve upon their knowledge and skills in the addiction profession.