3 easy steps to earn CE credit:
READ the Course Material.
ANSWER the Course Questions using the online Answer Sheet link.
PRINT your Completion Certificate, which will be automatically emailed to you.
Helpful hints
Certificates emailed from College@Breining.edu
- Completion Certificates are automatically emailed to you immediately upon your completion and payment for the course.
- If you do not see your Completion Certificate right away in your Inbox, check your “Spam” folder. Gmail (and others) will frequently mark your certificate email as SPAM.
- If you have not received the Completion Certificate in your “Inbox” or “Spam” folders within a few minutes, please let us know and we will resend it to you.
Bundles and Individual Courses
- Courses are available in discounted CE Bundles or as Individual Courses.
- Select the link or picture of the course in which you are interested, in order to obtain the course material.
Most course materials are free downloads
- Most of the Individual Courses are free downloads.
- For free study material courses, the shopping cart will display $0.00.
- You will select Free Checkout to proceed to download the course material.
- Once processing is complete, you will follow the prompts to download the study materials onto your computer.
Online Answer Sheets
- Use the Online Answer Sheet link for your course to answer the questions.
- The Exam Questions and answer sheets included in some of the course material packets are for your convenient reference only, and are no longer accepted for course completion credit.
- To obtain course credit and be emailed a Completion Certificate, some courses will require payment after you complete the Answer Sheet, some will require it to access the Answer Sheet.
If multiple courses are selected, and not directed to payment page
- If you have selected multiple courses to review at the same time, you may receive a payment prompt only after you have completed the online Answer Sheets for all of them.
- To remove courses you do not wish to take/receive credit for, so that you can proceed to the payment page for the course(s) you wish to complete and pay for:
- Try erasing your history of the browser you used to complete or start the course(s).
- If erasing your browser history does not work, you may need to restart your browser. Just closing your browser will not work; you will need to restart the browser to (possibly) clear the recent history.
- If neither of the above works, you may need to restart or shut down and restart your computer.
- After you have done one or more of the above actions, go back to the online Answer Sheet for the course for which you wish to earn a Completion Certificate, and complete the applicable Answer Sheet.
- This should result in you receiving a prompt to be directed to the course payment page link, so that you can be sent a Completion Certificate.
FEATURED Individual CE Course: Only $9 for online completion
9-hour Basics Bundles
- Breining Institute offers these Essential 9-hour Education – Basics Bundle Courses as two, separate 9-hour online courses.
- Each Bundle includes:
- 3 hours of Ethics,
- 3 hours of Confidentiality, and
- 3 hours of establishing and maintaining Professional Boundaries.
- May be used as introductory education for new counselors, as well as refresher continuing education (CE) courses for experienced counselors.
- Select this link to access course materials: 9-hour Basics Bundles
20-hour GLOBAL Bundles
- Five separate GLOBAL CE Course Bundles, 20-hours CE Credit each
- Many professionals complete two Bundles to satisfy a 40-hour CE requirement for healthcare license or certificate renewal
- Select this link to access the course materials: 20-hour GLOBAL Bundles
Nationally-approved education provider
Breining Institute is pleased to be one of the distinguished educational institutions that have earned formal Approved Education Provider status from the nationally-recognized NAADAC – The Association for Addiction Professionals.
Individuals participating in educational programs offered by NAADAC Approved Education Providers are assured that they will be accepted toward national credentialing by NCC AP, and NAADAC reports that “NAADAC-approved education is automatically accepted by many state licensure/certification boards for many professions.” (Check with your local license or certification agency for confirmation.)
We have earned formal approved education provider status from agencies located throughout the United States, including the nationally-recognized NAADAC – The Association for Addiction Professionals, Provider No. 81727 (NAADAC Approval); The Florida Certification Board (FCB Approval); California CADTP, Provider No. 161 (CADTP Approval); California Association for Drug/Alcohol Educators, Provider No. CP40 956 AH 0725 (CAADE Approval).
Over 150 Individual Courses
Individual Courses are available in 1.5, 3, 4, 5 and 6-hour CE Credit courses. Access individual courses by selecting the topic links, below:- Professional Ethics / Confidentiality
- Clinical Supervision
- Communicable Diseases
- Prevention of Sexual Harassment
- Professional Readiness
- Adolescent / Young Adult Prevention and Treatment
- Understanding Addiction / Treatment Knowledge / Application to Practice
- Special Populations / Cultural Competency
General Practice CE Courses

- General Practice CE Courses, each course 3-hours CE Credit
- Based on the recently updated The Addiction Professional, 4th Edition textbook
- Select this link to access the course material for these courses: General Practice CE Courses
CE Bundles
Bundles are available in 9, 12, 15, 20 and 30-hour CE Credit Bundles. Select Bundle cover picture or title to download or order Course Material. Select “Answer Sheet” link to answer questions for course credit.
- 12-hr Confidentiality and Ethics CE Bundle:
- The Course Material, which includes Exam Questions, is a free download.
- This 12-hour bundle of Continuing Education (CE) is offered to update existing knowledge and improve the skill sets of licensed and/or certified healthcare professionals, alcohol and other drug counselors, and substance use professionals, including confidentiality of patient / client records, the HIPAA Privacy Rule, professional and ethical standards of case management, and analyzing multiple relationships between therapists and their clients.
- $39 for CE Credit
- Select this link for the Course Material: 12-hr Confidentiality and Ethics Course Material (free download)
- Select this link for the online Answer Sheet: Answer Sheet for 12-hr Confidentiality and Ethics CE Bundle

- Seven Addiction Professional CE Courses, 15-hours CE Credit each:
- The Course Material for each of the seven 15-hour courses is contained within the recently updated The Addiction Professional (4th Ed) textbook, available to order online.
- These are seven, separate 15-hour CE courses, and you do not need to complete all of them to obtain CE credit.
- The various courses include a Primer on Addiction Medicine and the Recovery Movement; Programs and Approaches; Family Roles and Systems; Human Development and Behavior; Cultural and Lifestyle Differences / Special Populations; Community Prevention and Education; Intervention and Referral; Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs); The Twelve Steps in Psychotherapy; The Disease of Addiction / DSM 5; The Physiology and Pharmacology of Addiction / PTSD; Illicit Drug Use and Abuse; Medical Treatment and Holistic Approaches to Recovery; Medication-Assisted Treatment; Relapse Prevention; FAS / Hepatitis / AIDS / HIV / Communicable Diseases; Smoking and Nicotine Addictions; Eating Disorders; Gambling Disorders; Sexual Addiction; Codependency; Internet Addiction; Co-occurring Disorders / Dual Diagnosis; The Role and Responsibility of the Counselor; Individual Counseling; Group Counseling; Family and Couples Counseling; Adolescent Counseling; Personal Growth for the Counselor; Professional Growth and Counselor Burn Out; Relapse; Therapeutic Counseling Approaches; Assertiveness for the Counselor; Laws, Ethics and Confidentiality; Prevention of Sexual Harassment; Introduction to Clinical Supervisor / Management Competency ; Standards for Counselor Competency.
- $59 for CE Credit for each course completed
- Select this link to access the course material for these courses: Addiction Professional CE Course Bundles

- Three MAT Counselor Courses, 15-hours CE Credit each:
- The Course Material for each of the three 15-hour courses is contained within The MAT Counselor: Handbook textbook, available to order online.
- These are three, separate 15-hour CE courses, and you do not need to complete all three of them to obtain CE credit.
- The various courses include a primer on opioid addiction and treatment, history of opioids and opioid treatment, science and rationale for opiate agonist treatment, pharmacology, pharmacotherapy, screening, admission, assessment, behavioral pharmacology of methadone, opioid maintenance, effectiveness of methadone as a medical treatment for opioid addiction, a review of outcomes in methadone treatment, and ethical considerations in MAT.
- $59 for CE Credit for each course completed
- Select this link to access the course material for these courses: MAT Counselor Continuing Education Bundles

- Three Clinical Supervisor CE Courses, 15-hours CE Credit each:
- The Course Material for each of the three 15-hour courses is contained within The Clinical Supervisor textbook, available to order online.
- These are three, separate 15-hour CE courses, and you do not need to complete all three of them to obtain CE credit.
- The various courses include an examination of the effect of the management role on managers, the financial cost of addictive disorders, models of supervision, management styles, faith-based modalities, an historical perspective of the supervisor role, an examination of leadership in clinical supervision, strategic planning tools, preventing sexual harassment, transference and countertransference, the development of competent counselors. an examination of professional and ethical standards of case management, confidentiality of records, program description policy, supervising recovering counselors, and policy and organizational design.
- $59 for CE Credit for each course completed
- Select this link to access the course material for these courses: Clinical Supervisor Continuing Education Bundles

- Three Co-occurring Disorders Continuing Ed Courses, 15-hours CE Credit each:
- The Course Material for each of the three 15-hour courses, which include Exam Questions, are free downloads.
- These are three, separate 15-hour CE courses, and you do not need to complete all three of them to obtain CE credit.
- The various courses include an examination of co-occurring substance abuse and mental disorders, including definition, terms, and classification systems for co-occurring disorders; keys to successful programming; assessment; strategies for working with clients with co-occurring disorders, examination of co-occurring substance abuse and mental disorders, including traditional settings and models; special settings and specific populations; overview of specific mental disorders and cross-cutting issues; substance-induced disorders; and identification of specific mental disorders.
- $59 for CE Credit for each course completed
- Select this link to access the course material for these courses: Co-occurring Disorders Continuing Education Bundles

- Four Forensic Counselor CE Courses, 15-hours CE Credit each:
- The Course Material for each of the four 15-hour courses is contained within The Forensic Counselor textbook, available to order online.
- These are four, separate 15-hour CE courses, and you do not need to complete all four of them to obtain CE credit.
- The various courses include the correlation between substance abuse and crime, financial cost of addictive disorders, the mental health industry’s treatment of addictive disorders, introduction to the central nervous system, research related to whether there may be genetic predisposition to addictive disorders, screening, assessment, determining level of care, outpatient treatment services, inpatient / residential treatment, criminal justice settings, the therapeutic community, treatment issues and approaches, building a therapeutic alliance, treatment planning, elements of effective treatment, recovery maintenance / relapse prevention, discharge planning, trauma and domestic violence; anger management; parenting from a distance; methamphetamine, porn and parole; formatting assessment reports for the legal system; and ethics, laws and boundaries.
- $59 for CE Credit for each course completed
- Select this link to access the course material for these courses: Forensic Counselor Continuing Education Bundles

- Four Women’s Treatment Counselor CE Courses, 15-hours CE Credit each:
- The Course Material for three of these 15-hour courses is contained within the Women in Treatment textbook, available to order online. The Course Material for one of the 15-hour courses is contained within the SAMHSA publication, Family-Centered Treatment for Women with Substance Use Disorders, available as a free download.
- These are four, separate 15-hour CE courses, and you do not need to complete all four of them to obtain CE credit.
- The various courses include historical and political perspectives; Declaration of Rights of the Women of the United States, 1876; timeline of Her-story in the United States; gender-specific needs of women; women’s physiological differences and addiction; trauma, abuse, domestic violence and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); ethical considerations when working with women; gender-responsive, trauma-informed treatment; women’s nutrition in treatment and recovery; successful parenting for families affected by addiction; psychodrama in the treatment of addiction and trauma for women; components of family-centered treatment and treatment modalities; whole family approach; collaborations for residential and outpatient clients; and programmatic and administrative challenges.
- $59 for CE Credit for each course completed
- Select this link to access the course material for these courses: Women’s Treatment Counselor CE Courses

- 30-hr International Bundle:
- The Course Material, which includes Exam Questions, is a free download.
- Continuing education topics and hours offered to update existing knowledge and improve the skill sets of licensed and/or certified healthcare professionals in substance abuse treatment and education settings, including: TAP 21 curriculum; provision of services to special populations; 12 hours of ethics; communicable diseases; prevention of sexual harassment; and clinical supervisor coursework.
- $99 for CE Credit
- Select this link for the Course Material: 30-hr International Bundle (free download)
- Select this link for the online Answer Sheet: Answer Sheet for 30-hr International Bundle

- 30-hr Telehealth Bundle:
- The Course Material, which includes Exam Questions, is a free download.
- This 30-hour CE Bundle includes the special considerations of using “telehealth” to support remote counseling for SUD clients; special considerations of how COVID-19 may impact individuals with SUD; TAP 21 curriculum; understanding addiction; treatment knowledge; provision of services to special populations; and 12 hours of ethics / confidentiality.
- $99 for CE Credit
- Select this link for the Course Material: 30-hr Telehealth Bundle (free download)
- Select this link for the online Answer Sheet: Answer Sheet for 30-hr Telehealth Bundle

- 30-hr Veterans Bundle:
- The Course Material, which includes Exam Questions, is a free download.
- Includes TAP 21 curriculum, the special considerations of working with veterans and their families, provision of services to special populations, 12 hours of ethics, communicable diseases, prevention of sexual harassment, and clinical supervision coursework
- $99 for CE Credit
- Select this link for the Course Material: 30-hr Veterans Bundle (free download)
- Select this link for the online Answer Sheet: Answer Sheet for 30-hr Veterans Bundle

- 30-hr Nurses Bundle:
- The Course Material, which includes Exam Questions, is a free download.
- Includes advanced knowledge and skills training for professional nurses, TAP 21 curriculum, provision of services to special populations, ethics, communicable diseases, prevention of sexual harassment, and clinical supervision coursework
- $99 for CE Credit
- Select this link for the Course Material: 30-hr Nurses Bundle (free download)
- Select this link for the online Answer Sheet: Answer Sheet for 30-hr Nurses Bundle
CE Completion Verification
CE Course Completion Certificates
Individuals who complete Breining Institute Continuing Education (CE) courses are automatically sent Completion Certificates by email, which verifies course completion.
The CE Completion Certificate identifies the course number, course title, summary of the course content, date completed, how many CE credit hours have been awarded, and the name of the student given credit for the course. The CE Completion Certificate will also have an Authenticity stamp and signature of the Dean of Students, or a complex background with a Unique Validation Number (UVN).
Agency Verification If an employer or licensing or certification agency wishes to authenticate a certificate, they may contact us using your name, the name of the course, the date the course was completed, and (if applicable) the UVN number on the certificate, and including a copy of the certificate they seek to authenticate. We will verify one completion certificate at a time for these agencies. The agencies may make the request in writing, by sending their request to us at the following email address: College@Breining.edu
Individual Verification of Courses
Breining Institute does not maintain hard copies of CE Completion Certificates.
If an individual who has completed online Breining CE courses would like subsequent verification that they completed Breining CE courses (in addition to the CE Completion Certificates that were initially sent when the CE course was first completed), Breining will conduct an electronic search going back two years from the date the Request for CE Verification form and $75 processing fee payment has been received by Breining.
Please note that this search will be limited to CE courses completed using online Answer Sheets, which are submitted electronically, and will not include CE courses submitted by postal mail or facsimile or some other non-electronic submission.DISCLAIMER STATEMENT REGARDING CONTINUING EDUCATION (CE) CREDIT COURSES These are Continuing Education (CE) courses, intended for already licensed or certified professionals in healthcare. These courses are not considered formal “postsecondary education,” and will not result in the award of formal transcripts, degrees or diplomas. These courses do not lead to a degree or a diploma in subjects that licensees are required to take solely for the purpose of continued licensure, or to enhance the licensee’s skills and knowledge within their particular profession, occupation, trade, or career field, and are not designed to lead to employment.